A Light in the Dark

God is a light in the dark when the wind is blowing.
He is beauty when the child sleeps.
He is all goodness to all people at all times, always blessing and wanting to bless.
He is peace beyond understanding in the depths of the soul.
He is kindness beyond all knowing and joy beyond all thought.
He is pure and full of light and He longs to see you happy.
He will never harm you.
He loves you with an infinite love that is greater than the sea, greater than the stars, greater than the whole universe with all its planets and forms of life.
He is radiant like the sun and luminous like the moon.
His beauty is a cure for you and all that He makes is good.
Trust in Him and He will delight your whole being.
He knows you in the depths of your heart and He can never be wrong.
He is Life itself and the author of life and He comes to give you life more abundantly.
He walks by your side and sits at your meals.
He holds you in sleep and kisses you awake.
His gaze never leaves you and He looks on you continuously in love.
He is the Truth of your being and He came to set you free.
There is no doubleness or doubt in Him.
He is Love and Life and there is no fear in Him.
He loves you and He brings you peace.

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