Three Easy Steps

Finding the way to tell a friend you love him: three easy steps.

First, you follow the trail of your heart to the place where love boils up and spills over, so that it’s clear how much you desire to be united with this person of your dreams.

Second, you ask God for the grace to know if this union is ordained, if this bringing-together of souls is something that will be blessed with light and love and beauty and peace. If the answer is yes, you find the confidence to ask Him for an unfolding of this love in the most beautiful way.

Third, you find the courage to speak to the beloved. You tell him in simple terms how very much he means to you and how very much you care. Don’t spend too much time looking for the words; they will come out of the fullness of your heart, tumbling forth in a natural way, because your love is simple and pure.

Don’t be dismayed if he doesn’t seem to respond right away. Words of real love take time to digest and they require a thoughtful reply. Sometimes, the recipient of a great love isn’t ready to receive such love into his quarters; first, he may need to work on expanding himself so there will be room for this noble and expansive kind of passion inside. It’s easy to feel discouraged, but take heart, because when you love without counting the cost, and when God has promised you a beautiful ending to the dreams of your heart, you may walk with the peace of knowing that all is well, and all is light.

For nothing shall stand in the way of two souls cut of the same cloth, striving – unwittingly or not – to find their solemn and perfect and crazy match.

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