A Poem of Trust

Trust in the sun that warms your cheek.
Trust in the moon that holds your cares.
Trust in the stars that glitter and blink
As you tell them your wishes and impossible prayers.

Trust in the voice that stills the night.
Trust in the song that quiets your soul.
Trust in the lamp that shares its light
As you clamber and climb out of your darkened hole.

Trust in the friends who bring you joy.
Trust in the ones who do their part.
Trust in this poet, who wants you to know
That, yes, she loves you with all of her heart.

Peaceful blue collage.
Prayer collage: “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Pray with Me: Holy Rosary (Joyful)

I had the idea of starting a “Pray with Me” series on my blog. Maybe it’s silly, but I’m hoping it helps at least one person find a little comfort or peace. In this video (the first in the series), I take a walk through the woods and pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. You’re welcome to pray along. (Here’s a guide to the Rosary in case you’re unfamiliar with the prayers.)

Brief Thoughts (No. 20)

I want to love God fiercely and deeply, but I don’t want to be thought of as “pious” or, especially, “pietistic.” I want my blood to run warm, not cold, and I want my spirit to be free to move as it is moved.

I can imagine feeling peace without joy. But what about joy without peace? I know they’re supposed to be yoked, one tied mysteriously to the other. If my hand were forced, and I could pick only one to have, I think I would choose peace. But it would be so nice to feel some joy now and again….

E ‘n la Sua volontade è nostra pace. 

And in His will there is our peace.


Jehovah Shalom

The window of life is uncurtained and clear – look outside all you please and the sun on the grass, the wind in the trees, will give you back the hope you’ve been dying to find.


Can I ask you a simple question?

What is it like to be free?

The thing I struggle against is finding the will to be free from the fears that pin me down. It’s a crazy thing, to suffocate under the pressure of so much confusion, so much darkness and doubt. You’d think the light would reach me here, since I’ve been asking for it to shine on me all this time.

But there must be a cloud that blocks the sun – some tint of obscurity that turns the whole picture gray, takes away the brilliance I’ve been dreaming of seeing.

Yet – here’s the rub:

I can’t tell you what color is if all you’ve seen is gray. How can I describe the burst of hue that dazzles your eyes if your eyes are covered by shades?

The impossible is impossible, unless you bring GOD to the table…. Because His ways are mystery and life.


Jehovah Shalom – The LORD is peace. The LORD is peace and I wish to have His ways entangled with mine. The LORD is peace and I want to breathe the peace of the Spirit – in and out – as I walk and talk and eat my daily bread.

When you ask me what I want from life – I can tell you that what I want is… PEACE.

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