A Bouquet of Simple Reminders

A collection of phrases from my journal, serving as reminders to honor your intuition and appreciate the simple, small, creative things – finding joy in the process.

Do as you know your soul is asking you to do. Then you will feel the exhilaration of becoming a truly free human being.

Don’t worry about tomorrow when today is the focus of your time and energy.

The people who take the most joy in life are those who enjoy the feeling of the sun on their faces and the sound of music in the air. When we start to appreciate the smallest things, we realize that the secrets of life are buried, not in the lock-boxes of princes and kings, but in the humble belongings of ordinary people. The simpler you can make your living, the happier and more joyful you will be.

Sing along to the rhythms of the sea and climb the mountains of your mind.

The things you are asked to do may seem tedious, or small – but by doing them, you are opening yourself to a mysterious force that blesses you and brings great joy and meaning to your soul.

Don’t deny the impulse of your soul to express and create. To ignore or repress such desires is to dim the light of your inner being and condemn it to a life much darker and weaker than the one it was meant to live.

Flowers are blooming outside my door. I hate to pick any one of them and rob the earth of her beauty.

But beauty is to be shared amongst those who appreciate it – and beauty will send its fragrance into the air, so it can travel on for miles.

Can you see
how lovely it is
to be free?

Catch a breath
of the springtime air
and believe.

Once upon a time, when you were very small, you were frightened by a worm in the grass. You pointed at it and said: “Mom! How ugly this creature looks! What is it doing in our yard?”

Then your mother stood by your side and answered: “My child, he may look ugly to us, but this little thing is blind to the normal ways of seeing. For him, the whole world is dark and shadowed. So his beauty comes from within, where he learns to live and work in harmony with his nature. Let him be – we have other things to do.”

And from that moment, you stopped marveling at the ugliness of things and instead left off wondering about all the unspeakable beauty that must be hidden in the middle of things.

(Elizabeth’s update, written a few years later, in 2023: Who in the heck talks and thinks like that? About worms, to boot? Certainly not any mother or child I know. Sometimes I’m embarrassed by how contrived my writing can be.)

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