Fragments: Communion with Others

In an epoch of selfishness, the only way to remain sane is to find people with whom you can share a sense of something transcendent, a sense of something that exceeds the grasp of understanding and reaches for what is Heavenward, what is unfathomable, what is pure.

Love is a means of expanding the self, and is a state of being essentially opposed to self-absorption, or the condition of being trapped within one’s own mind or one’s own heart. This is an important topic to understand because our purpose in life hangs on this truth – namely, that we are called to love and be loved. Without communion, we are imprisoned in our own reality – and to suffocate by self-smothering is perhaps the worst kind of death.

What is good is made better in the presence of someone who stirs the soul to life and makes it possible to breathe again.

If you want to extend the range of your influence, then walk outside and speak your words into the open air. Let them be carried by the wind to the ones who are ready to receive the message you have spread. And when you feel there is no one left to hear – find the way back inside and learn to hear what else there is to be told.

Be a friend to me.
I can’t disguise my need.

Be a friend to me.
We can’t decide where we’re going to walk
until we decide who we’re going to be.

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