Bits and Pieces

Little bits and pieces:

Well, the sun is kissing the moon – or wishing he could, at any rate.

But the show goes on, life goes on. Here we are, just as the world turns. Find another set of answers if these ones don’t satisfy. Walk the path of the wanderer, keeping your head in the sky. On and on the road runs, next to the river of Joy and Sorrow. The travelers along this road are interesting folk – they have seen a lot in the miles they have walked.

Over the horizon, a star hangs loose. Can you see it?

It’s ready to fall, but something or Someone seems to be holding it in place.

The smell of rain is in the air.
The dreamers have slumbered peacefully.
The stars have retired from their nightly shift.
The sun has decided to call in a sick day, so the clouds are playing substitute.
(See how many clouds it takes just to cover the sun? What does that say about the power of light?)


Oh, how the rain rocks the house – so steady and so strong.
The fire burns in the grate; the clouds fade into the night.

The song of mourning echoes through the house, floating through the empty rooms.

The bed is empty; the sheets need changed.
The playroom floor is littered with dolls.

The men talk outside in husky whispers.
The women walk and pray.

This is the way of things.
This is the unfolding of life.

I’m wandering the streets of desire and looking for my keys.

I’m stopping at the corner and asking if you’d please, good gentleman, step out of my way and let me cross the road.

In the event that you want to follow me, kindly step into the sun and walk alongside – here, to my right, so neither of us will be cold.

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