Brief Thoughts (No. 1)

  1. Suffering is useless if it doesn’t make us more compassionate.
  2. Romanticism vs. practicality: can’t they exist together? Who says we need to choose just one? The people who are trying to force a choice out of us are also the ones who can’t imagine holding two contradictory ideas in the mind – and the ones who are always coloring inside the lines.

One comment

  1. Diego Orellana

    Dear Elizabeth,

    After reading this post, I would like to recommend to you reading about Saint Benedict Joseph Labre. His life is beautiful and is a test for us Catholics (that is what saints usually do). I hope his life sheds light on the three topics you just mentioned: Suffering, romanticism, and practicality (especially practicality!) (is one of my favorite saints πŸ˜‰ )


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