The Parallels of Writing and Faith

The words are coming from a place of spontaneity; I hardly know what I will write before the words appear.

Perhaps that’s how it is with GOD – walking with Him moment by moment and seeing what comes. Attending to the next word, the next phrase – and being surprised, at the end, by what lucid story has taken shape.

Not that there are never any plans or guiding principles. Sometimes there are, and these help very much. They give us structure and a sense of what we’re hoping for, of what we’re aiming to achieve. This sense of direction, of vision, is good. (Though, sometimes, we work without it, and that is good, too. It all depends on the task at hand.)

Before I digress too much, let me simply say this:

It is not coincidental that GOD is asking us to write. He has put that desire, and that sense of calling, on our heart for a purpose. The fact that, for us at least, the process of writing parallels our journey of faith, is not really a surprise – for isn’t it only natural to suppose that, when we respond to our calling, we will also be deepening our intimacy with GOD?

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