Brief Thoughts (No. 23)

I like to say that I’m going to be a writer, but the sad reality is that I barely write.

So my question is: Why do I avoid the things I feel drawn to – called to, in fact? Is it because I know that they will take a lot of work and demand a lot of me? Is it because they will challenge me? Is it because I’m afraid? How do I reconcile the two parts of myself: the part that says “yes, I know that this is the path of my purpose and joy – this is what I desire” and the part that promptly and stubbornly runs away from it all?

It’s tiring, isn’t it, to walk around as a bundle of contradictions. No wonder I’m prone to stomach problems – my insides are twisted from being pulled this way and that, and I’m getting dizzy from the constant change of direction. Can anyone else relate?

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