
I admit, it is difficult to find the energy and confidence to write a post when there are no readers. I suppose the imaginary readership in my head will have to pull its weight to keep cheering me on and encouraging me to turn out words that only they will see.

Too bad I don’t have a magic wand to wave: everyone would be entranced by my words and suddenly my blog would be overrun with zealous and inspired readers.

If in fact the two occasional readers I do have manage to spy this post, please accept my thanks for keeping me afloat.

Hats off,


One comment

  1. Turner

    I know how it can be rather demotivating not to have an audience to art one sincerely puts themselves into.

    Though it’s easier said than done, I wouldn’t be too worried about short term readership or popularity. Some of the most talented musicians, writers, and artists of whom I know have a very narrow following, the size of which doesn’t seem to do justice to their talents. Though it’s difficult, the best course is to trust in your aptitude and to believe that people will connect with your work when they are meant to.

    For what it’s worth, I’ve admired your writing ability from afar for some time. Keep up the great work!

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