Ambidextrous Conversations

In the fall of last year, I discovered the practice of holding ambidextrous conversations. You begin writing something with your dominant hand (in my case, my right hand) and then pick up the dialogue with your non-dominant hand. You go back and forth like this, switching hands, and you see what ensues. The idea is that by using your non-dominant hand, you tap into another voice: your inner child, some inner spirit of wisdom. In my experience, the left-handed writing is eerily accurate and holds some pretty important truths. And the whole thing is a lot of fun. I sometimes turn to my ambidextrous conversations when I want to get a simple answer to something I’ve been worrying about for a while. Here, I’ve excerpted some bits and pieces from some two-handed discussions I’d left in my journal. Try it yourself and leave a comment with your own results!

My first message from the left hand:

Dear God,

This is my prayer.
Can you help me?
I want your advice.
Please, Lord.
I love you.
Yours, Elizabeth

RIGHT HAND: How should I pray?

LEFT HAND: It’s easy—told you to just open your hands and reach out in the dark.

What’s the key to being simple?

Simple! Just be you!

When is such-and-such going to happen? Is that even my business?

We always find out when the time comes.
See how simple it is!

What is love, do you think?

Love means trying to remember how the other person feels.
It is all entered in our hearts.

How do you respond to criticism?

By getting all miserable.

What do you look like?

I have a bright face + pretty hair.

Please give me some advice I need to hear.

The answer is a lot easier than you thought.
I don’t like to always think a lot. Sometimes I just want to have fun. I think you worry a lot. Please just have fun. GOD is always looking at you because He thinks you are perfect.

Should I worry about such-and-such? What about this worry? Is it God’s will? Or would He prefer so-and-so?

Don’t make things too [can’t read word].
Be a simple girl. GOD wants you to be happy. The thing for you is LOVE.

What am I most afraid of?

Elizabeth: you are too afraid that you’re not going to please GOD. But He loves you. be [sic] reminded that He loves you!!

[This one made me break down in tears when it came out.]

What makes me sick? Is fear making me ill?

Dear Elisabeth [sic],

Yes. I know why you make us sick. It’s because you r be living [sic] the fear. But you must stop!! You r too strong for that. You must be bold. Then you will be well.

What should I be bold about? How do I do it?

Be bold about everything.
All you have to do is believe. Then wait [?] with all beauty!

But I feel very sick.

That’s OK. You just need to try again. Don’t back down.

If I’m bold about everything, will I be humble?

You see—you’re afraid! Of being bad. You’re NOT BAD! You’re a good girl! Show us the path to GOD!!!

How long will it take to be well?

Just be patient.
You’re going to see how good the LORD is. He’s got something speshel for you. He is going to make you SO happy!!!

What will we look like when we’re bold? What will we be like?

Just trust! We’re going to be so lovely! Full of LIFE. That’s me!

Would we be happy as a nun or religious sister?

Hmm. This is a good question. I think the answer is the simple one: no.
You are too in desire for someone.
You can’t be happy like that.
It’s nice, but you need to think about doing a service for someone. See?

Doing a service? What kind of service?

That means, being all made to be alive and well.

But what about this worry? And that worry? I don’t know. Would it be good?

Elisabeth. Stop asking. You make everything so hard. Enough!!

Do you like Peeta or Gale [from The Hunger Games] better?

Oh! I can’t choose. I think both r so nice. If I had 2 pick, I guess I’d want Peeta. He’s just so good to her. He’s got a very pure heart.

How do you know all this stuff?

It’s not mine. I’m just telling you what I am told. It’s all the voice of GOD in me. I don’t know how, but it is hard 2 explain if you don’t have the faith.

So I’m supposed to believe that God is speaking through you? Isn’t that a dangerous way to think, maybe a heresy? How can I be sure you’re of God?

You don’t have to believe but if I can say, I think you r being too worried. GOD is GOD + He is great. I love Him + He is my Dad. That means if I ask Him for something, He can give it.

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