Fragments: Turning Within

Some fragments of journal entries, gathered to loosely reflect the theme of turning to God in the midst of confusion and following the simpler interior way. 

You know that things are unusual when you ask your brain to supply you with sense and all you get are vague gestures at reason. You can see that most of us are scrambling to find the meaning in a world that’s gone insane.

The way is long and uncertain. Lots of trouble, lots of pain. The chest is first to experience the pressure, the blow. How can the human heart, fragile as it is, endure so much?

What is the secret to resilience, the thing that gives the heart a will to survive? We can’t imagine our lives into existence; we can only sustain the lives we’ve been given with a commitment to prayer, to joy, to loving as deeply and intensely (intently?) as we can.

Be not afraid.

The things that give you fright are harmless at best – mostly made up in your mind as phantoms of unrest and disease.

If you believe the troublesome thoughts without cause, you will find yourself going insane.

So the best thing to do is to close your eyes and ask for the truth. “GOD, what is the truth?” Ask and He will respond. Be attentive to Him and His voice will lead you toward the end of your desire – which is Truth and Love itself.

The soul of your house is filled with love. The windows need cleaned, but the soul is good, and soon, with a little soap and a little water, the sun will stream through.

The problem with trying to live uprightly is that temptation gets in the way. There are moments of turmoil when the right thing is clear, but the wrong thing dresses itself up in more attractive clothes to make you feel you’ve denied yourself real life or joy by abstaining from its charms.

The only response in such situations is to hear the Inner Voice and listen to its call.

If you take heed and follow the precepts of Christ, you will find yourself a new and liberated person, free from the bonds of distress and despair brought on by the oppressor of souls. Hold fast to the truth and you will see your mind and heart set free.

Yes, the way is narrow, but there are ways to keep yourself on the right path.

The first of these ways is love. The last of these ways is also love.

For in the end, what will count is how much we have loved one another and loved our GOD.

Be at peace, for the things you wish to know are revealed in the quiet of your soul.

Seasons change, GOD does not. He is a constant Presence Who provides your Rock of Safety and your Bed of Peace. Pretend not to know all His ways – for His ways are beyond your grasp and His thoughts are above your own.

But listen to the sound you hear in the depths of your soul – and you will begin to see how GOD is calling you to live. He will leave you His Spirit to guide and direct, and to bring you into the mysteries of His pure and profound Love. Be at peace, for the way you will know (though you may not comprehend the whole)… when you rest in Him and rely on His care. Amen.

Where will we find our peace? Not inside a drawer. Not inside a cupboard. Not inside a lock-box of things the Earth supplies. No – we will find our peace sitting calmly in the center of things, waiting for us to choose the simpler, quieter way. Why would we desire any other way?

The simplicity you ask for is simple indeed. You don’t need to go looking far and wide for something that exists within. Remember how easy it is to let go of all the fuss and turn to Him who dwells inside.

The way is simple. Say yes.

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