A Math Problem

If Tim likes Sally
And Sally likes Pip
And Pip likes Mary Lou,
Then all the math
In all the world
Can’t tell them what to do!

"Joy is more than the relief of sorrow."
“Joy is more than the relief of sorrow.”

If you want to work on your art, work on your life. 

Anton Chekhov

Voting sticker.
My favorite part of voting is always the sticker I get at the end.

The First Snow of the Season

It’s the first of November
and I wake to find
a shiver of snow
outside my room.

The quiet street
is dressed in white:
the telephone wires,
the slanted roof,
the old magnolia tree.

I watch a bird
as he flits and flutters
from bough to bough
beneath the true-blue sky.

The moon, meanwhile,
lingers, leftover,
by the morning sun,
like a hope of love
fading reluctantly
into the frosted air.

All in all, it’s just another brick in the wall – or is it?
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