Brief Thoughts (No. 22)

You will never know the tenderness of a quiet love until you let yourself fall asleep in the arms of One Who is kinder and gentler than all.

Pray with Me: Holy Rosary (Joyful)

I had the idea of starting a “Pray with Me” series on my blog. Maybe it’s silly, but I’m hoping it helps at least one person find a little comfort or peace. In this video (the first in the series), I take a walk through the woods and pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. You’re welcome to pray along. (Here’s a guide to the Rosary in case you’re unfamiliar with the prayers.)

"Write only what only you can write."
A good motto to keep above your writing desk, adapted from a quotation from Isaac Bashevis Singer: “I only write what only I can write.”

Addiction: Breaking the Stigma

I’m taking a class on addiction for my degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and during our lecture this evening, we watched the following keynote address by Dr. Nicole Labor. It was eye-opening and informative – and hopeful, too. I know it might be hard to find a free hour in your day, but try to give this video a watch; it might change your perspective on an important topic, or help you to help someone in your life who’s suffering.

On Raglan Road

A couple of weekends ago, I attended a music festival that involved walking up and down neighborhood streets and listening to local artists play their songs from people’s front porches. One of the bands I enjoyed was a group called Emigrant’s Wake, a self-described “Celtic rock band … singing songs about missing Ireland.”

Among the pieces on their set list was “On Raglan Road.” I first heard this song years ago, and the poetic lyrics (“Let grief be a fallen leaf at the dawning of the day”; “Oh, I loved too much, and by such, by such, is happiness thrown away”) still sound as lovely as ever to me.

Santa Maria degli Angeli

Happy Feast of the Assumption, Mary. +

Blessed Virgin Mary.
A painting of the Virgin Mary in the wall of a church in Assisi, Italy.

Remain as the Child (Video)

A recording of a short poem I wrote several years ago. A friend had invited me to a poetry event, so I put together this poem the day before, but I never ended up reading it at the event. Time has passed, but I thought it might still be nice to share. Enjoy.

(Oops – I accidentally transpose the words “sun” and “moon” in my reading.)

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