Lost in the Wood

Pray with the passion of unswept moors.
Write from the valley of tears.
Sing of the sadness that troubles the dark.
Unbottle your holiest fears.

Follow the path that leads through the night.
But don’t get lost in the wood.
Tell me your sorrows, and I’ll tell you mine –
If only, if only I could.

Brief Thoughts (No. 15)

There are certain things that present themselves as answers in your search for truth. You won’t stumble upon them every day, but if you are diligent in your seeking, you will encounter them – clear and luminous as pebbles from the brook – from time to time.

It could have been different for her. She could have married for money. She could have married for anything she wanted. But she’d married for love, and this is the sort of sweet trouble that comes from that decision. It puts optimism in the hearts of the innocent. It coos to them in the twilight. It promises moons in their pockets. It convinces them anything is possible. It leads them into the thick of disorder with only each other to find a way out.

David Giffels, All the Way Home: Building a Family in a Falling-Down House

Father and Son

This song has become one of my favorites. Very beautiful.

The Loreto Embroideries

Loreto embroidery.
Mater Amabilis (Mother Most Amiable) by Enzio Anichini.

The Loreto Embroideries are a gorgeous series of Art Nouveau-style depictions of the the Virgin Mary. The drawings, done by Enzio Anichini (1886 – 1948), were embroidered with brown, cream, and golden threads by an unknown artist, and were sent for safekeeping to a convent during World War II.

Brief Thoughts (No. 13)

It’s important to sort out the confusion (which tends to be destructive) from the complexity (which is often just a more honest way of taking in life).

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