Italian Scene

This scene cracks me up.

“Un’altra volta ma adesso vorrei proprio sentire la musica delle parole!” 

Fragments: Some More Thoughts on Love

If you love someone, try to remember how he feels. A simple rule, but powerful enough to change the world if it’s actually listened to.

Find me another route to Heaven. The one I’m on is long and hard and full of impossible things.

But the only true test of a soul is its willingness to love. So if I am learning to love better and more deeply by this route, I am OK. I am content to let things challenge and confound – if that means I will grow in my love.

For now, the only thing I can understand is that we are hoping for freedom and our fears are holding us back. Why live that way? The hopeful ones are bolder and wiser than that.

You will never understand the documents of love until you’ve filled them out on your own.

Trying to measure the capacity of a heart to love – how? Why? We will never understand what it means to lose ourselves in the contemplation of Something great if we spend our energy calculating and ordering all the things we do. We must abandon ourselves, sometimes, to an unmeasured rhythm of life, defined precisely by its absence of comparison or constraint. When we approach the boundlessness of Something Beyond, we empty our minds of preconceived thoughts, and let the uncertainty overwhelm us in the most liberating way.

Kiss me once before the sun goes down and I forget how to say your name.

Do not ask how long you must wait, but rather – ask how much love will be gained in the act of remaining patient and biding your time in trust.

We often take for granted the desires of our heart to do right and be good – but it is these desires which give us life and inspire us toward beauty and love.

When we remember the answers we found in the stillness, we recover a sense of simplicity and a sense that all we’ve been seeking is meant to appear at the right time, in the right way, according to the perfect Will of GOD.

The Limits of Logic

Yes, it is natural to wonder: “Why should it be this way? Why is it so great to believe without seeing, to have faith in the absence of evidence that would inspire such trust?” As humans, we like to ensure that we are taking a reasonable and sensible course – that we are approaching life with a set of premises that can stand up to other people’s questioning and inquiry.

But when we stop and realize that the world often defies our attempts to control it, and to predict its manifestations to the finest degree, it becomes clear that Logic – at least the kind our human brains are capable of – can’t and won’t lead us into all truth about life.

Sure, reason is a gift that must guide us through many decisions and operations in the world – but who has encountered the fullness of beauty through this faculty alone?

GOD is beyond our smallness of ways. He thinks and moves and acts in ways that we can’t always perceive. This is why, when we’re confronted with a matter that defies our understanding, we must remember that there is more at play than what we can detect with our eyes or ears or minds.

Faith – the act of surrendering our belief to Someone much greater than we – enables us to enter a different realm, where the limitations of reason and predictability no longer confine us. It is important to know that we don’t know – and so, in a gesture of humility, turn our hearts to the One Who does. When we shift our focus from “This is how it must be” to “All is unfolding in a rhythm mostly unknown to me, but governed by Someone I love,” then we begin to understand more about life than we otherwise could.

I don’t know how to explain the thrust of my message, but, in general, I want you to see that when you open your heart in trust, you open the door to a new way of life, less confined by the limits of a strictly sensing and thinking mode of being.

Distraction from the Present Moment

There are many things that cause the heart to fear. One of the most powerful is the desire to know what will happen before it does. This particular habit makes up the bulk of our worry and dread, because it keeps us from experiencing the present as it is meant to be felt – in color, in life, with active attention to the sensations of one moment in time.

When our minds begin to lead us far from the moment we inhabit, then we get pulled down the path of forgetting or worry. What I mean is, when we are tempted to consider the outcome of the thing we are engaged in doing – or when we start to feel anxious about the absence of things we want – the only result is a sort of restless impatience and a propensity toward despair.

This happens because we are not living from a place of trust – that fertile and solid land where all the trees grow wild with fruit, where you can rest and simply take in the vision of a landscape that’s beautiful and at ease….

Wishing I were free. Wishing I could float into another realm, where the apples are ripe for the picking and the water runs pure and clear.

Where is the path that leads to happier ends?

Try to understand men. If you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate and almost always leads to love.

John Steinbeck 

Old Haiku (III)

A trembling bough –
who will start the candle flame
so we can reach the top?

AT HALF PAST FOUR, sitting in the yard, waiting for the bells. The air is heavy, our shirts are damp with overheat. One of us hums a quiet hymn, but no one knows the words, and the song goes drifting far away. The clouds are looking merry to hear it. One is even dancing apace! We choose a blade of grass, the yellowest, and make a little whistle. We imagine that it is the wind. If we divide the grass, then divide it again, it becomes so slender we can barely see it, and the whistle grows faint as the crack of dawn. It sounds like the names of the people whose faces we all forgot. We watch as the fluff of a dandelion floats overhead.

The bells are chiming
from a mouthless face –
how much they say!

A scalloping shell,
vacant as the winter night
and ringing with sound.

Steeple top
showered in snowfall –
the chime of bells!

Roundness of the cherry bowl
sitting in the sun –
how much time has passed!

Take On Me

Acoustic version – so pretty.

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