If you want to work on your art, work on your life. 

Anton Chekhov

Santa Maria degli Angeli

Happy Feast of the Assumption, Mary. +

Blessed Virgin Mary.
A painting of the Virgin Mary in the wall of a church in Assisi, Italy.

The Brown Sisters

In 1975, photographer Nicholas Nixon took a picture of his wife, Bebe, and her three sisters. The next year, he did the same – and the year after that, and the year after that. It became an annual tradition: each year, a black-and-white portrait with the women standing in the same order (from left to right: Heather, Mimi, Bebe, and Laurie), gazing intently into the camera. For over 40 years.

The Brown Sisters

The result was a series of photographs that offered a poignant reflection on aging, sisterhood, and the passing of time – and how the movement of years does (and does not) change us. When prints were exhibited in a gallery in Spain, “viewers openly wept.”

See the first 38 photos here.

Il Papiro Firenze

I found these beautiful, artisan-made cards (depicting window scenes of Italian cities) a couple of years ago – and I still occasionally think of them because I like them so much. They’re made by a company called Il Papiro Firenze, which uses traditional Italian methods and materials to produce gorgeous paper goods. Reminds me of the time I wandered into an old stationery shop in Florence – I would have happily spent all of my money right then and there!

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