So Many Possible Lives

Have you ever caught yourself in a place of in-between?

In a place of suspended judgment and, perhaps, bewildering confusion? It’s a familiar place, and yet uncomfortable; it certainly doesn’t feel familiar, for nothing feels at home.

How do you get out? By making a choice, I suppose. But what if the choice you make is wrong? Perhaps GOD will give you a way back out, a way to de-commit. But what if you’re bound forever to a path you’d rather not have chosen? What if you’ve said a permanent goodbye to another life you might have loved? So many possible lives, so many consequences of choosing (or not choosing).

Perhaps it’s all the same in the end. You end up being formed by your choices. But what if the particulars don’t matter so much as the larger patterns and principles – the acts of kindness, the demonstrations of love?

And yet, the particulars do matter. I know they do. It’s just that there’s a less regimented way of understanding all of this, and that’s the better way.

It’s late and I don’t know exactly what I’m saying. Maybe you can put it better. Because, somehow, I think you’ll know precisely what I mean.

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