Brief Thoughts (No. 38)

On validation:Β 

Most people spend a lot of their lives feeling ignored or criticized or misunderstood. The cumulative effect of these experiences of being forgotten or corrected is that people feel unsure of who they are – or, in some cases, too scared that who they are isn’t good or lovable enough.

If you give these people a chance to really shine, then they recapture a part of their existence that they have been longing to find – the sense that they indeed have something of value to contribute to the world, and that their life means something important after all.

Emptying the Emotional Jug

I discovered an emotional healing exercise the other day and I wanted to share it with you. It’s called “Emptying the Emotional Jug,” and it’s a simple exercise centered on identifying and expressing things that make you feel (in this order, and at increasingly deeper levels) mad, sad, worried, and glad. It can be done with a partner or alone. I tried the exercise by integrating it into my prayer, with God as my “partner.” I think it’s a powerful tool, and I hope it might be helpful to some of you whenever you feel like you could benefit from an emotional reset. You can find the instructions here. Please let me know what you think. πŸ™‚

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