The Limits of Logic

Yes, it is natural to wonder: “Why should it be this way? Why is it so great to believe without seeing, to have faith in the absence of evidence that would inspire such trust?” As humans, we like to ensure that we are taking a reasonable and sensible course – that we are approaching life with a set of premises that can stand up to other people’s questioning and inquiry.

But when we stop and realize that the world often defies our attempts to control it, and to predict its manifestations to the finest degree, it becomes clear that Logic – at least the kind our human brains are capable of – can’t and won’t lead us into all truth about life.

Sure, reason is a gift that must guide us through many decisions and operations in the world – but who has encountered the fullness of beauty through this faculty alone?

GOD is beyond our smallness of ways. He thinks and moves and acts in ways that we can’t always perceive. This is why, when we’re confronted with a matter that defies our understanding, we must remember that there is more at play than what we can detect with our eyes or ears or minds.

Faith – the act of surrendering our belief to Someone much greater than we – enables us to enter a different realm, where the limitations of reason and predictability no longer confine us. It is important to know that we don’t know – and so, in a gesture of humility, turn our hearts to the One Who does. When we shift our focus from “This is how it must be” to “All is unfolding in a rhythm mostly unknown to me, but governed by Someone I love,” then we begin to understand more about life than we otherwise could.

I don’t know how to explain the thrust of my message, but, in general, I want you to see that when you open your heart in trust, you open the door to a new way of life, less confined by the limits of a strictly sensing and thinking mode of being.

Blueprint of the Heart

“Pain happens when you care.” – Lisa Cuddy from the T.V. show House

Yes, love is a beautiful thing. The most beautiful thing you will experience in your life, in fact. But it’s not without its struggle, it’s not without its pain. The people who love the most have also, in truth, suffered the most – simply because the heart is not made of stone, but of flesh – and the more the heart is asked to hold, the more the pressure is felt. The mechanics of it are rather simple, you see.

And yet – don’t be discouraged. Your lot in life is not an endless string of Pains. No – what you are meant for, above all, is participation in the act of communion, a uniting of souls that contains so much beauty and so much life that the magnificence of the encounter can’t be put into words. So you must leave off to dreaming about such wonders – and opening yourself to them – on your own.

Don’t wish for something that doesn’t belong to you. When you mold your heart into a shape it’s not designed for, you open a world of difficulties for yourself. The simplest way of putting it is this:

Be who you’re meant to be and the world can’t help but to respond in grace.

The people who are most alive – you know them by their joy, their peace – have taken seriously this injunction to live according to the blueprint of their hearts. Why wish to be someone you’re not – when the someone you are is very lovely indeed?

Do you doubt the path you travel on? The only way to uncover the truth is to appreciate how much you’ve been given. If you feel confused, be at peace – for even the holiest and wisest of souls have doubted the way. You’re doing your best, and that’s all you can hope to do.

Be aware that sometimes, people with good intentions will try to lead you in a way you aren’t being called. The reason they mislead is not because they wish to bring you harm – but because their hearts do not possess the wisdom of GOD’s particular will for you. GOD reveals His will into your heart, so you must turn there first and above all, so you will be led by the proper paths.

If you begin to feel that you can no longer believe your heart, or trust in its counsels, ask yourself if there’s some part of your life you’re neglecting.

That is, is there some area of your existence that you’ve chosen to ignore because it gives you pain?

If you discover a blockage in one form or another, address your prayers (and actions) to this domain and see if things don’t begin to feel clearer and cleaner for you in time.

“Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still.” – Psalm 4:4

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