Brief Thoughts (No. 25)

I can’t abandon my belief in the miraculousness of things. I can’t abandon my childlike trust that GOD does, indeed, sometimes lead by the very mysterious and inexplicable ways that seem almost magical, and that He can make the impossible possible.

And yet – there is this recognition that terrible things happen, and often the reality of things is all there is. You know what I mean: the apparent randomness and tragedy of things, with no miraculous Divine Intervention sweeping in to change the course of events.

It’s a hard thing to come to terms with. It’s enough to shake even a strong person’s faith.

The Wide View of the Miraculous

I know you feel assaulted by doubts and by people’s opinions that seem to cast your hopes as unreasonable and immature and incompatible with reality – but the thing I want to say in reply is this:

GOD’s plans transcend human understanding. For those who don’t believe, the miraculous is something to be ridiculed or disbelieved. But GOD speaks to people in different ways.

GOD is the Creator of your soul, and He knows what your soul responds to. Leave it to Him to speak to you and guide your paths. He knows His desires for you far better than anyone – especially those who have only the smallest glimpse into the inner workings of your soul.

Be at peace even if GOD asks you to walk by an uncommon way. Not that He is asking you to dismiss the ordinary – no. There is plenty of space for attending to that. But GOD speaks to your soul in a very personal way – and if you hear Him speak, don’t be afraid. He knows your heart, and He is committed to taking care of it.

Life often reveals itself to be something miraculous – if (and only if) we open our eyes and hearts wide enough to see.

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