The Love of a Star

A star is glittering in an attempt to draw the gaze of the one she loves.

Can you imagine how lonely it must be to live like the star, so far from the person she holds dear, always watching from a distance of lightyears?

It can’t be easy to look upon the life of her beloved and know that she can never enter into it.

It can’t be easy to watch him from afar and see how well he’s getting along without her.

(Not that she would wish him anything other than happiness, of course – but the pain of knowing he may have forgotten her in his contentment is, perhaps, too difficult to bear.)

But what recourse is there, when she’s in such a state, except to shine as brightly as she can in the direction of the one she loves, hoping, somehow, that in so doing, she’ll give him a light to walk by in his darkness?

And so the star twinkles on, blinking and winking into the endless night.

(See video recording of this piece here.)

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