The Conversations of History

Farther down the line of human events, there will be a time when people of all nations unite. Until that day, we must work to find peace in our own homes and do what we can to bring light to the troubled souls around us.

We will, in time, begin to appreciate the interconnectedness of humankind. It’s easy to forget how similar many of our longings and desires are. Read the books of antiquity and you will see that people 2,000 years ago were grappling with many of the same questions that grip us now. Why not learn from the conversations of history and use the wisdom they are offering us so generously?

To stand in ignorance is really, in most cases, an unreasonable option, when there are so many resources available for help and instruction. Find the resources that suit your needs and then, whenever you’re ready, incorporate their insights into your own experiments in figuring out how to navigate this crazy life.

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